Dog and Cat Veterinary Services in Doral
Doral Centre Animal Hospital is proud to offer a full range of exceptional veterinary medical services for our patients. If you’re interested in learning more about each individual service, please click on the link below for more details, or contact our team if you have any questions. We look forward to working with you!
Our Veterinary Services Include:
- 24-hour emergency care, nursing, and hospitalization to ensure that we can provide treatment to all our patients no matter the situation or the hour
- Luxury dog and cat boarding offering our patients the opportunity to make our hospital their home-away-from-home when you’re away at Woodland Pet Lodge.
- Endoscopy and ultrasound as a part of our diagnostic tool-kits
- Grooming services to keep your pet looking and feeling their best at Woodland Pet Lodge
- Laser therapy as an alternative treatment option for pain management
- PennHIP procedure to perform early diagnostics on your dog’s risk for hip dysplasia
- Vaccines, annual testing, and preventive care allows us to ensure that your pet is healthy and safe, including a Cancer Vaccine.
- Nutritional counseling allows us to offer you insight into your pet’s nutritional needs

Call us at (305) 598-1234 or click below to schedule your pet's appointment!

In addition to the above veterinary services, we also offer the following:
- 24 Hour Emergency Care
- 24 Hour Hospitalization
- 24 Hour Nursing Care
- Allergy testing
- Annual heartworm and intestinal parasite tests
- Attentive pain management
- Biopsy procedures
- Blood transfusions
- CT Scans
- Veterinarian on duty 24 hours a day
- Heartworm disease treatment
- In-house laboratory testing
- In-house pharmacy
- Microchipping
- Orthopedic Surgery
- Otoscopic (ear) examination
- Dog and cat x-ray
- Paramite and Mitaban dips
- Preventative care education
- Routine spay and neuter procedures
- Same day emergency surgeries
- Soft Tissue Surgeries
If you have any questions about your pet’s needs or the treatment we provide, please contact us and we’ll be happy to assist you!