Dog and Cat Nutritional Counseling & Weight Management
The Doral Centre Animal Hospital team can provide nutritional counseling to pet owners who need a little more education about their pet’s healthcare needs. Some of the most commonly asked questions about pet nutrition are listed below!
How Do I Manage My Pet’s Weight?
You are not alone in asking this question! U.S. pet obesity rates continued to increase in 2012 with the number of overweight cats reaching an all-time high. The sixth annual National Pet Obesity Awareness Day Survey conducted by the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention (APOP) found 52.5 percent of dogs and 58.3 percent of cats to be overweight or obese by their veterinarian. That equals approximately 80 million U.S. dogs and cats at increased risk for weight-related disorders such as diabetes, osteoarthritis, hypertension and many cancers.
At Doral Centre Animal Hospital we offer a variety of different ways to help your pet lose weight. One of the newest innovations is Hill’s Pet Nutrition’s Metabolic Diet. This diet is formulated with natural herbs and supplements to actually boost your pet’s metabolism to help them lose weight. It also comes with special metabolic treats. Come in and we can evaluate your pet and determine his/her BMI (body mass index) and set them up on a plan to return to a normal weight.
We can also assess your pet for medical conditions such as hypothyroidism and Cushing’s disease that could be causing or contributing to your pet’s weight. For older pets we can assess if arthritis and joint pain is keeping your pet from being active and slowing them down. We can also assist you in relieving your pet’s pain to get them moving again.

Call us at (305) 598-1234 to schedule your pet's vaccination appointment!
What is the Proper Nutrition for my Pet?
Your pet’s diet is an integral component to their overall health. Doral Centre Animal Hospital is here to help you ensure that your pet is getting all the necessary nutrients required to live a long and healthy life. Based on your pet’s age and health status, we will help you select the most appropriate diet to keep happy and energized. Come in with your questions, and feel free to schedule a dietary consultation.